Ramen Commercial – homemade

I made a ramen noodle commercial with a coworker about 2 months ago. Short, simple 15 seconds long.Most commercials are 15 secs with a few of them going for 30 secs.

On hot days like today (it was 44 degrees with humidex in Tokyo) and for some reason the air conditioner at work is busted.
It has been at least over 33 degrees continuously for the last 11 days.

Sweat just pours down. You need an uchiwa to cool down. Uchiwa is a Japanese fan. Good with yukata in the summer.

Okay, the commercial entitled “Ramen: take 3” features Myojo’s product “Mochitto wantanmen”
Here is the ramen commercial:

~ by frischfarms on August 15, 2007.

One Response to “Ramen Commercial – homemade”

  1. You are a star – I like the commercial! Anymore on the way?
    What is your coworker’s name? Clever showing ingredients and method – like an Eyewitness book. Good day to you!! Seeing you in less than a month.

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