German Youth Words of the Year

The Duden is the (read thee) authoritative body on what’s what in German grammar and what is accepted in the language as being considered German.

Langenscheidt is also a major dictionary used in Germany and is reputable.
This years told 5 words according to the Local (a german based english newspaper:
1. Swag (enviable, casual-cool charisma or a charismatic, positive aura)
2. Fail/Epic Fail (A big mistake or failure)
3. Guttenbergen (to plagiarize or crib – derived from disgraced former Defence Minister Karl-Theodor zu Guttenberg who resigned after it emerged he had copied large parts of his doctoral thesis)
4. Körperklaus (clumsy)
5. Googeln (to search or look up something)

Article here:

~ by frischfarms on December 7, 2011.

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