テラ豚丼 Mega Beef Bowl. My computer is gone.

As mentioned in my previous post, I was prepping my Toshiba Dynabook to be resold to Sofmap in Akihabara.
I brought it in after work on Tuesday to Sofmap. The employees said that in order to assess the functionability of the computer that they will need to erase all the data. But is all my stuff backed up? Not all.

“I have to back up all the photos taken over the past 2 weeks.”

I came after work (tired, in a suit) so I didnt want to have to go home again, back up my data, then return to Akiba again.
怠け者ですね。 So what was I going to do on the spot to back up my data?

I thought quickly.
I do have a 1GB micro sd card that is in my cell phone! I could back it up on there! Amazing.
Have you seen how small a micro sd card is? Check here. So small.

They said they needed 30 mins to assess the value. I got it appraised (査定). I could get 41,400 Yen for it. They offered to hold onto the computer ( I didn’t want to lug the laptop back home) so now its there, at Sofmap, in Akihabara, Tokyo.
Meanwhile, I am checking for good prices on Macbooks. hehe (niko niko means a type of hehehe in japanese) So no computer for now. But how am I writing this blog entry? Well, thats a secret. 秘密!niko niko!

Mega Beef bowl テラ豚丼 is about some news in Japan. Some guy working at Yoshinoya was playing at work (late at night maybe) and decided to put 7 times the normal amount of beef/pork on top of the bowl of rice. The guy made a viral video on his cell phone and posted on some sites in Japan including 2 channel (2チャネル) and ニコニコ動画 nikoniko video site, then it made it to YouTube (it was the most viewed video yesterday!). Even made Japanese TV news yesterday.
They say that he made the video because of the whole trend of “mega” and big portions in Japan.
Interested you can read more here. Check out this mega mac.
You can see the real mega mac here.
Japanese love booms and fast trends.

DON DAKEe! どんだけぇ~! was one of the top ten “words of the year” for 2007 in Japan. It means like “WTF~!?!”
Sonnano kankei ne そんなの関係ねぇ~!which means “That doesn’t matter/That’s got nothing to do with it!!” made the list.
Japanese words of the year 2007 or 流行語大賞2007 in Japanese.

The two creators of these terms will be out of jobs soon cause the way trends move in Japan, these terms will be oldfashioned in a matter of weeks.
Like I said, Japanese love booms and fast trend – and I get to be a part of it.

~ by frischfarms on December 5, 2007.

4 Responses to “テラ豚丼 Mega Beef Bowl. My computer is gone.”

  1. I like “Dondake~” and “Sonnano Kankei ne~”!! ^^

  2. jpbizdirect:
    Thanks for your comment.
    dondake is funny, but I personally like “欧米か?!” ”obei ka?!”

  3. why is video no longer available as of dec.6?

  4. Judy,
    As far as I see on my end, the video is still working fine.

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